
There are few options on how to include/import ApexTree into your project:

Install from NPM

Install the ApexTree icon library from command prompt from the root directory of the project:

npm install apextree --save

How to import ApexTree package?

import ApexTree from 'apextree';

Import the helper function to manage the charts colors based on mode changes. It will take updated values from the root variables.

import { getColorCodes } from "../helpers/helper.js";

Below the example how to use the package and make it working ApexTree on any page.


<template class="border border-gray-200 rounded-md dark:border-dark-800">
    <div ref="apexTreeContainer" class="w-full" :style="{ height: '600px' }"></div>


// @ts-ignore
import ApexTree from 'apextree'; // Assuming this is available as an npm package or you can import it
// @ts-ignore
import { useStore } from 'vuex'
import user4 from '@/assets/images/avatar/user-4.png';
import user11 from '@/assets/images/avatar/user-11.png';
import user13 from '@/assets/images/avatar/user-13.png';
import user14 from '@/assets/images/avatar/user-14.png';
import user15 from '@/assets/images/avatar/user-15.png';
import user16 from '@/assets/images/avatar/user-16.png';
import user17 from '@/assets/images/avatar/user-17.png';
const store = useStore()
interface TreeNode {
    id: string;
    data: {
        imageURL: string;
        name: string;
    options: {
        nodeBGColor: string;
        nodeBGColorHover: string;
        hideRootLine?: boolean;
    children?: TreeNode[];

const apexTreeContainer = ref<HTMLElement | null>(null);
const theme = computed(() => store.getters.layoutTheme);
const colorCodes = computed(() => {
    return theme.value === 'light' ? [
        '#f3f4f6', '#6b7280', '#ffffff', '#DAEDFF', '#F3E8FF', '#FEF9C3',
        '#F1F5F9', '#FFEDD5', '#DCFCE7', '#FCE7F3', '#E0E7FF'
    ] : [
        '#000000', '#0e0e0e', '#ffffff', '#358FFC', '#A855F7', '#EAB308',
        '#161C30', '#F97316', '#22C55E', '#EC4899', '#6366F1'

const treeData = ref<TreeNode>({
    id: 'ms',
    data: {
        imageURL: user4,
        name: 'Jordan Davis',
    options: {
        nodeBGColor: colorCodes.value[2],
        nodeBGColorHover: colorCodes.value[2],
    children: [
            id: 'mh',
            data: { imageURL: user11, name: 'Chris Wilson' },
            options: {
                nodeBGColor: colorCodes.value[3],
                nodeBGColorHover: colorCodes.value[3],
            children: [
                    id: 'kb',
                    data: { imageURL: user13, name: 'Alex Lee' },
                    options: {
                        nodeBGColor: colorCodes.value[4],
                        nodeBGColorHover: colorCodes.value[4],
                    id: 'cr',
                    data: { imageURL: user14, name: 'Taylor Wilson' },
                    options: {
                        nodeBGColor: colorCodes.value[5],
                        nodeBGColorHover: colorCodes.value[5],
            id: 'cs',
            data: { imageURL: user15, name: 'Jane Brown' },
            options: {
                nodeBGColor: colorCodes.value[6],
                nodeBGColorHover: colorCodes.value[6],
            children: [
                    id: 'Noah_Chandler',
                    data: { imageURL: user16, name: 'John Garcia' },
                    options: {
                        nodeBGColor: colorCodes.value[7],
                        nodeBGColorHover: colorCodes.value[7],
                    id: 'Felix_Wagner',
                    data: { imageURL: user17, name: 'Cameron Wilson' },
                    options: {
                        nodeBGColor: colorCodes.value[8],
                        nodeBGColorHover: colorCodes.value[8],

const treeOptions = ref({
    contentKey: 'data',
    width: '100%',
    height: 600,
    nodeWidth: 150,
    nodeHeight: 120,
    fontColor: colorCodes.value[1],
    borderColor: colorCodes.value[0],
    edgeColor: colorCodes.value[0],
    edgeColorHover: colorCodes.value[2],
    tooltipBorderColor: colorCodes.value[0],
    childrenSpacing: 50,
    siblingSpacing: 20,
    direction: 'top',
    nodeTemplate: (content: any) => `
    <div class="flex flex-col items-center justify-center gap-5 p-3">
      <img class="rounded-full size-12" src="${content.imageURL}" alt="" />
    enableToolbar: true,
    // Add additional custom options as needed

const apexTreeInstance = ref<ApexTree | null>(null);

// Function to hide the root line when clicked
const toggleRootLineVisibility = (nodeId: string) => {
    const toggleVisibility = (node: TreeNode) => {
        if (node.id === nodeId) {
            node.options.hideRootLine = !node.options.hideRootLine;
        if (node.children) {
    renderTree(); // Re-render after toggle

// Render the tree
const renderTree = () => {
    if (apexTreeContainer.value) {
        apexTreeContainer.value.innerHTML = ''; // Clear the container

    // Initialize new tree
    apexTreeInstance.value = new ApexTree(apexTreeContainer.value!, treeOptions.value);

// Handle resize
const resizeHandler = () => {
    renderTree(); // Re-render tree on resize

onMounted(() => {
    window.addEventListener('resize', resizeHandler);

watch(colorCodes, () => {
    renderTree(); // Re-render when color codes change
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