There are few options on how to include/import ApexSankey into your project:
Install the ApexSankey icon library from command prompt from the root directory of the project:
npm install apexsankey --save
How to import ApexSankey package?
import ApexSankey from 'apexsankey';
Import the helper function to manage the charts colors based on mode changes. It will take updated values from the root variables.
import { getColorCodes } from "../helpers/helper.js";
Below the example how to use the package and make it working ApexSankey on any page.
<template> <div ref="apexSankeyContainer" class="w-full"></div> </template>
<script setup> import { ref, onMounted } from 'vue' import ApexSankey from 'apexsankey' // Color Codes as Hex Values const colorCodes = [ '#2d2d2d', // bg-gray-800 '#ffffff', // bg-white '#e0e0e0', // bg-gray-200 '#1a1a1a', // bg-dark-100 '#121212', // bg-dark-900 '#333333', // bg-dark-800 ] // Setup reference for the Sankey container const apexSankeyContainer = ref<HTMLElement | null>(null) const graphData = { nodes: [ { id: 'Oil', title: 'Oil' }, { id: 'Natural Gas', title: 'Natural Gas' }, { id: 'Coal', title: 'Coal' }, { id: 'Fossil Fuels', title: 'Fossil Fuels' }, { id: 'Electricity', title: 'Electricity' }, { id: 'Energy', title: 'Energy' }, ], edges: [ { source: 'Oil', target: 'Fossil Fuels', value: 15 }, { source: 'Natural Gas', target: 'Fossil Fuels', value: 20 }, { source: 'Coal', target: 'Fossil Fuels', value: 25 }, { source: 'Coal', target: 'Electricity', value: 25 }, { source: 'Fossil Fuels', target: 'Energy', value: 60 }, { source: 'Electricity', target: 'Energy', value: 25 }, ], } const graphOptions = { nodeWidth: 20, fontWeight: 500, fontSize: '10px', height: 300, fontColor: colorCodes[0], canvasStyle: '', tooltipBGColor: colorCodes[1], tooltipBorderColor: colorCodes[2], nodeTemplate: (content: any) => { return `<div class="flex items-center gap-2"> <div class="size-3" style="background-color:${colorCodes[3]}"></div> <h6 class="dark:text-dark-100">${content.source.title}</h6> <div>=></div> <div class="size-3" style="background-color:${colorCodes[4]}"></div> <h6 class="dark:text-dark-100">${}</h6> <div>: ${content.value}</div> </div>` }, } const renderSankey = () => { if (apexSankeyContainer.value) { apexSankeyContainer.value.innerHTML = '' // Clear the container const sankey = new ApexSankey(apexSankeyContainer.value, graphOptions) sankey.render(graphData) } } onMounted(() => { renderSankey() // Re-render Sankey on window resize window.addEventListener('resize', renderSankey) }) </script>
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