There are few options on how to include/import Echarts into your project.
Install the Echarts Js library from command prompt from the root directory of the project:
npm i echarts-for-react echarts
Import the ChartColors hooks to manage the charts colors based on mode changes. It will take updated values from the root variables.
import useChartColors from '@src/hooks/useChartColors';
Below the example how to use the package and make it working ApexTree on any page.
import React from 'react'; import dynamic from 'next/dynamic'; import useChartColors from '@src/hooks/useChartColors'; // Dynamically import the ReactApexChart component const ReactEcharts = dynamic(() => import('echarts-for-react'), { ssr: false, }); interface barChartsProps { chartColors: string; chartDarkColors: string; } const BasicBarChart = ({ chartColors, chartDarkColors }: barChartsProps) => { // Pass both chartColors and chartDarkColors to the hook const chartsColor = useChartColors({ chartColors, chartDarkColors }); var options = { xAxis: { type: 'category', data: ['Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat', 'Sun'] }, yAxis: { type: 'value' }, grid: { top: '5%', left: '5%', right: '0%', bottom: '6%', }, color: chartsColor, series: [ { data: [120, 200, 150, 80, 70, 110, 130], type: 'bar' } ] }; return ( <React.Fragment> <ReactEcharts option={options} className="h-80" /> </React.Fragment> ); };
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