There are few options on how to include/import Echarts into your project.
Install the Echarts Js library from command prompt from the root directory of the project:
npm install echarts --save
Add the echart js file link.
<script src="assets/libs/echarts/echarts.js"></script>
Import the helper function to manage the charts colors based on mode changes. It will take updated values from the root variables.
import { getColorCodes } from "../helpers/helper.js";
Below the example how to use the package and make it working ApexTree on any page.
<div class="card-body" x-data="basicBarApp"> <div class="h-80" x-ref="basicBarChart" data-chart-colors="[bg-sky-500, bg-gray-200, bg-gray-800]" data-chart-dark-colors="[bg-sky-500, bg-dark-800, bg-dark-100]"></div> </div> <script src="assets/libs/echarts/echarts.js"></script>
import { getColorCodes } from "../helpers/helper.js"; document.addEventListener("alpine:init", () => {"basicBarApp", () => ({ basicBarChart: null, series: [ { data: [120, 200, 150, 80, 70, 110, 130], type: 'bar' } ], init() { // Reload chart on window resize window.addEventListener('resize', this.renderChart.bind(this)); }, renderChart() { // Handle the logic for resizing if (this.basicBarChart) this.basicBarChart.dispose(); this.colorCodes = getColorCodes(this.$refs.basicBarChart.dataset); this.basicBarChart = echarts.init(this.$refs.basicBarChart, 'light'); this.basicBarChart.setOption(this.options); }, get options() { return { series: this.series, color: this.colorCodes, xAxis: { type: 'category', data: ['Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat', 'Sun'] }, legend: { textStyle: { color: this.colorCodes[2] } }, yAxis: { type: 'value', splitLine: { lineStyle: { color: this.colorCodes[1] // Change this to the color you want for the horizontal lines } } }, axisLine: { lineStyle: { color: this.colorCodes[1] } }, grid: { top: '5%', left: '5%', right: '0%', bottom: '6%', }, }; } })); });
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