Installation & Build

We have used understandable and easy-to-understand instructions to help you install Domiex - Admin & Dashboard Template in your project. Follow the below steps to get started.

1. Download the Package
  • Source: Download the code from ThemeForest.
  • Format: The file will be in a .zip file format.
2. Unzip the file
  • Extract the contents of the downloaded .zip file to a directory on your computer. It will extract in the Domiex_v1.0.0 folder.
3. Install Node.js and yarn (if not already installed)
  • Prerequisite: Ensure Node.js and npm (Node Package Manager) are installed on your system. Make sure to use node version 22.*.
  • Command: If Node.js is not installed, download and install it from the website. npm comes bundled with Node.js.
  • Update npm: To ensure you have the latest version of npm, run:
    npm install -g npm
4. Install Node Modules
  • Setup: Open your terminal or command prompt from the Domiex_v1.0.0/Django/Admin folder.
  • Execute: Run the following command to install all the required Node.js packages and dependencies specified in the package.json file:
    npm install
  • Explanation: This command will download and install all the necessary dependencies for your project, including build tools, libraries, and plugins, ensuring your development environment is set up correctly.
5. Create a Production Build For Django's Static Assets
  • Command: After the dependencies are installed, generate a static assets by running:
    npm run build
  • Outcome: This command compiles and optimizes your assets, creating a distribution folder (`/static`) that contains minified and ready-to-use for Django sever files. It ensures your project is optimized for performance in a both environment.
  • OR Command: Instead of running the above command, you can also run the following command to build the project static assets:
    npm run build:watch
  • Outcome: This command compiles and optimizes your assets, creating a distribution folder (`/static`) that contains minified and ready-to-use for Django sever files. It help's to rebuild static assets on changing them in 'Admin/src/' or changing in 'Admin/templates/' or you can also add new npm package by installing and than after add to 'package-libs-config.json' in root(Admin).
6. Install Django
  • Prerequisite: Ensure Python and pip(Python Package Manager) are installed on your system. Make sure to use pip's latest version.
  • Virtual Env: Create and activatevirtual env.
  • Command: To check if your system has Python installed, run this command in the command prompt:
    python --version
  • Outcome: If Python is installed, you will get a result with the version number, like this:
    Python 3.9.2
    If you find that you do not have Python installed on your computer, then you can download it for free from the following website:
  • Command: To check if your system has PIP installed, run this command in the command prompt:
    pip --version
  • Outcome: If PIP is installed, you will get a result with the version number. For me, on a windows machine, the result looks like this:
    pip 20.2.3 from c:\python39\lib\site-packages\pip (python 3.9)
    If you do not have PIP installed, you can download and install it from this page:
  • Command(Windows): To create virtual environment, run this command in the command prompt:
    py -m venv path/to/virtual_env
  • Command(Unix/MacOS): To create virtual environment, run this command in the command prompt:
    python -m venv path/to/virtual_env
  • Outcome: It will create dir to given path in the command.
  • Command(Windows): Then you have to activate the environment, by typing this command:
  • Command(Unix/MacOS): Then you have to activate the environment, by typing this command:
    source path/to/virtual_env/bin/activate
  • Outcome: Once the environment is activated, you will see this result in the command prompt:
  • Windows:
    (path/to/virtual_env) C:\Users\Your Name>
  • Unix/MacOS:
    (path/to/virtual_env) ... $
  • Command: To install django and other packageis, run this command in the command prompt:
    pip install -r /path/to/requirements.txt
  • Command: After the dependencies are installed, start django server locally by running:
    py runserver
  • Outcome: This command will start project on development mode. You can visit by
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