Virtual Select

There are few options on how to include/import Virtual Select into your project.

Install from NPM

Install the Virtual Select Js library from command prompt from the root directory of the project:

npm install virtual-select-plugin --save

Import the Virtual Select package.

import "virtual-select-plugin/dist/virtual-select";

Below the example how to use the package and make it working Virtual Select on any page.


<div class="card-body">
    <div id="sampleSelect"></div>


import "virtual-select-plugin/dist/virtual-select";

function getOptions(count = 10, includeDesc = false) {
    const optionsData = [];
    for (let i = 1; i <= count; i += 1) {
        const optionData = { value: i, label: `Option ${i}` };
        if (includeDesc)
            optionData.description = `Description ${i}`;
    return optionsData;

// Default select
    ele: "#sampleSelect",
    options: getOptions(3),
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