Editor Setup

Project Editor Setup for Domiex - Blazor WebAssembly & Server Projects

Optimizing your environment for Blazor projects ensures a seamless development experience. This guide covers setting up Visual Studio 2022, essential extensions, and configurations for a robust workflow with Blazor.

Install .NET SDK 6
  • Download and Install: If not already installed, download the .NET 8 SDK from the official .NET website. Choose the version suitable for your operating system.
  • Verify Installation: Open a terminal or command prompt and run the following command:
    dotnet --version

    It should display a version starting with 8.

  • Configure PATH (if necessary): Ensure the installation directory is added to your system's PATH environment variable for seamless access.
Create a Blazor Project
  • 1. Open Visual Studio

    Launch Visual Studio 2022 and select Create a New Project.

  • 2. Select the Blazor Template
    • Blazor WebAssembly App: For client-side Blazor projects.
    • Blazor Server App: For server-side Blazor projects.
    • Blazor Hybrid App: For building apps with .NET MAUI.
  • 3. Set Framework and Configuration

    Ensure the target framework is set to .NET 8 or higher. Configure additional options as needed.

Install Essential Extensions
  • 1. Razor Language Tools
    • Installation: Built into Visual Studio. Provides support for Razor syntax and Blazor components.
    • Features:
      • Intellisense for Razor files.
      • Syntax highlighting for `.razor` files.
  • 2. Visual Studio Web Development Tools

    Provides tools for debugging, profiling, and optimizing web projects.

Configure Debugging and Hot Reload
  • Hot Reload: Make changes in `.razor` files and see them reflected without restarting the app.
  • Browser Developer Tools: Use your browser's dev tools for inspecting and debugging components.
Configure Blazor Project Settings
  • Launch Settings: Edit `launchSettings.json` for customizing how the app runs.
  • Dependency Injection: Register services in `Program.cs` for shared functionality.
Run and Test the Project

Press F5 to debug or Ctrl + F5 to run without debugging. Your browser will open with the app running.

By following these steps, you’ll have a fully optimized Blazor development environment tailored for Domiex projects.

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