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Basic Alerts
Primary Alerts
Purple Alerts
Green Alerts
Red Alerts
Yellow Alerts
Sky Alerts
Pink Alerts
Indigo Alerts
Orange Alerts
Dark Alerts
Soft Alerts
Primary Alerts
Purple Alerts
Green Alerts
Red Alerts
Yellow Alerts
Sky Alerts
Pink Alerts
Indigo Alerts
Orange Alerts
Dark Alerts
Outline Alerts
Primary Alerts
Purple Alerts
Green Alerts
Red Alerts
Yellow Alerts
Sky Alerts
Pink Alerts
Indigo Alerts
Orange Alerts
Dark Alerts
Solid Alerts
Primary Alerts
Purple Alerts
Green Alerts
Red Alerts
Yellow Alerts
Sky Alerts
Pink Alerts
Indigo Alerts
Orange Alerts
Dark Alerts
Icons with Alerts
Primary Alerts
Green Alerts
Purple Alerts
Yellow Alerts
Gradient Alerts
Primary Gradient Alerts
Purple Gradient Alerts
Gradient Alerts
Gradient Alerts
Live Alerts
Icons Alerts
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Basic Alerts

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