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'Boxicons' is a carefully designed open source iconset with 1500+ icons. It's crafted to look enrich your website/app experience.


To install via npm, simply do the following:

                        $ npm install boxicons --save

import CSS to your icons.scss

                        @import 'boxicons';

Instead of installing you may use the remote version

<link rel="stylesheet" href="">

<!-- or -->

<link rel="stylesheet" href="">


To use an icon on your page, add a class 'bx' and seperate class with the icons name with a prefix 'bx-' for regular icons , 'bxs-' for solid icons and 'bxl-' for logos:

<i class="bx bx-hot"></i>
<i class="bx bxs-hot"></i>
<i class="bx bxl-facebook-square"></i>

For more details, see the documentation.

Color Icons
Using SVG Code
Sizes Icons